December 22, 2013

Creepy cat is broken

This is creepy cat.  I had her at the shop for quite some time.  When moving things around one day, bumped into something with my abundant butt and she fell to the concrete floor.  The sound of her head breaking was horrifying.  Poor little cat meow.

Here she is, the poor dear.....

Her injury:

A clean break.  Very fortunate.

It is very odd to see behind another's eyes.  

The poor girl needs a new home, a hospital maybe.  She needs repair.  And if nothing else, she needs to be identified.  Do you know her maker?  (It's not Samael, I checked.)  

Just look into her could you resist her.

It's a trap.  Run!

October 8, 2013

What a weekend!!

We found some amazing things at estate sales this weekend!  I am really loving going to these sales and hunting for amazing finds like these two pieces.   



Come visit me at 
Antiques Etc... Antique Mall
5736 East Colfax
Denver, CO 80220

Phone: 303-329-8208

My booth is in the basement at the very back.  

October 5, 2013


I had my first HUGE sale today. it's a book shelf, and now I need a new one to put the stuff that is on it!  Woot.

September 24, 2013

I'm like a squirrel or crow....

...I like shiny things.  It's ironic that I cannot wear base metal and so cannot keep some of these very exciting finds.  This one from Lord and Taylor, sometime in the 50's,  I think.  It's so very.  (Reference to Healthers, not just a half thought, really.)

September 6, 2013

Our little Antiques Booth

It's small, and funky, but it's mine.

Come visit me at 
Antiques Etc... Antique Mall
5736 East Colfax
Denver, CO 80220

Phone: 303-329-8208

My booth is in the basement at the very back.  

Ask for Cora's Booth

September 5, 2013

Busy Cora is Busy

Playboy is becoming retro.  Which means I am getting old.

Perfect set of four currently for sale at  

H and E Furniture.

5724 E. Colfax Ave.
Denver, Co. 80220
(Between Ivy & Ivanhoe)
Say Hi to my friends Humphrey Senior and Humphrey Junior.

September 1, 2013

Sometimes I find the most beautiful things..

...and sometimes this happens.  Yup.  Piggies making out.

'Nuff said.

August 26, 2013

The little pink chair

I found this adorable little chair at an estate sale recently.  This really needs to be in someone's bedroom, or sitting room, or where ever.

Currently priced at $95 but if you bring in this post you can take 20% off!
It's currently at Antiques ETC,  at Ivy and Colfax  Ask for Cora's booth.

Royalty free photos and vectors at Cutcaster

August 23, 2013

Say hello to my little friend.

So this happened and my husband is aghast and considering the bb gun method of removal.  I have warned him that there will be grave consequences if something untoward should happen to my little friend.

He will live in my tiny garden until I find out who made him, and then go to the shop, but for now he is mine all mine.  He needs to get to work weeding.

August 21, 2013

Bust Cream or Food!

Find of the moment:  Bust cream rustic reprint.  Originally published in 1897 for Sears, this is a reprint on planks from 1983.

I absolutely love this.  If any part of me had a rustic sensibility design wise, this would be in my powder room.  Alas, that is not the case.  So off it goes to the shop.

Only $45!!

As some of you know, I have a little antiques both at Antiques Etc. as well as having things at my good friend's shop H and E Furniture here in Denver.  Subscribe or follow me for more weird and wonderful goodies.

Shameless self promotion:
Royalty free photos and vectors at Cutcaster
Find my photos here. (click the pic.)